You may have already noticed the change. If not, here is what is happening….. I’ll be closing Hallman Photography, LLC at the end of 2016 and doing business solely as Studio Two One Two, LLC. With that comes more good change… like a fabulous new website at, plus this new and improved blog. I’m still the same person, Patty Hallman, and am still the dedicated professional photographer I’ve been for over 11 years now. I’m actually new and improved too come to think about it. I am working harder than ever to learn about social media, and how to market myself and find the right clients. I have to admit, it makes my brain hurt sometimes, but I’m chipping away and getting smarter about all this stuff.
So, for the coming months, you’ll be seeing more of my Studio Two One Two logo and less and less of the old Hallman Photography logo. Remember, change is good. With change, comes growth so watch out world. Patty’s moving on up! 🙂
And, above is the “old” logo for Hallman Photography. You’ll see less and less of this, so start saying goodbye. 😉