My work goes international! — PPA Print Competition results are in!

The PPA (Professional Photographers of America) International Print Competition results for 2011 are in!  I’m thrilled to announce that two of my print entries were accepted into the Loan Collection and the General Collection.  They’ll be on display at the Ernest N. Morial Convention Center in New Orleans, Louisiana on January 15-17, 2012 during Imaging USA, PPA’s annual convention.  Only the best of the best are selected for the esteemed Loan Collection, so I’m extra happy about that honor.  “En Pointe” is the title of my image selected for the Loan Collection and it will be published in the 2011 Loan Collection book later this year.

"En Pointe"-- accepted in 2011 PPA Loan Collection.

“Bonded” is the title of the other image that made it into the General Collection, and I’m happy about that too!

"Bonded" -- accepted into PPA's General Collection for 2011.